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Local church targeted again

Johnson Road Baptist Church has A/C units disabled

The Purcell Register
Posted 6/13/24

Johnson Road Baptist Church has once again been the target of thieves.

Pastor Paul Bettis reported to Purcell Police June 5 that five of the church’s air conditioning units had been …

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Local church targeted again

Johnson Road Baptist Church has A/C units disabled


Johnson Road Baptist Church has once again been the target of thieves.

Pastor Paul Bettis reported to Purcell Police June 5 that five of the church’s air conditioning units had been damaged and that all the copper wiring and compressors stolen rendering them useless.

The church is offering a $1,000 reward for the arrest and conviction of the people responsible.

The estimated value of the five air conditioning units was placed at $100,000.

Purcell Police are investigating the incident.

Thieves came into the church in January 2021 and took everything but the kitchen sink.

Among items the burglars took were the camera system, computers,
Bibles, kitchenware, towels, food, all of the sound equipment including speakers and tools in a tool shed on the east side of the building.

Among items stolen included some Bibles.

At the time, police said the loss was in the thousands of dollars.

Inside of the church the thieves ripped the DVR from the wall causing extensive damage.


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