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Interim City Manager Bobby Elmore told the Purcell City Council, in its regular monthly meeting Monday, that the inside demolition of the old PMH should conclude in a couple of weeks with outside … more
Early voting begins Thursday, February 6, for voters in McClain County. Voters who will not be able to make it to the polls on Election Day, have the option of voting early at the McClain County … more
City Council candidates Bobby Bruehl and Allen Eubanks were asked to answer questions about their intentions for seeking office. Bruehl’s answers: 1. What prompted you to run for city … more
Voters in the City of Purcell will go to the polls Tuesday, February 11 to decide who will assume a seat on the Purcell City Council. Life-long Purcell resident Bobby Bruehl is challenging … more
The following persons have been charged by the State of Oklahoma with traffic or other violations or have filed other court actions in McClain County District Court between January 23-29, 2025. … more
Early voting begins Thursday, February 6, for voters in McClain County. Voters who will not be able to make it to the polls on election day on Election Day, have the option of voting early at the … more
The following persons have been charged by the State of Oklahoma with traffic or other violations or have filed other court actions in McClain County District Court between January 16-22, 2025. … more
Purcell Junior Tyler Clark sustained serious injuries in a two-vehicle traffic accident in Wayne on his way back from Mid-America Technology Center last Thursday. Reports indicated Clark … more
Purcell Fire Department officials warn residents to be careful about the possibility of starting grass fires with the tinder dry conditions, especially until the grass begins to start turning green. … more
January marks School Board Recognition Month, and Mid-America Technology Center (MATC) is proud to join schools across Oklahoma in honoring the commitment and leadership of their elected board … more
Cutter Dobbels achieved remarkable success at the Western Equipment Ag Tech Invitational held January 18, in Plainview, Texas. Competing against 197 high school juniors and seniors from multiple … more
Candidates interested in filing for municipal office in six McClain County municipalities will file Declarations of Candidacy beginning at 8 a.m. on Monday, February 3. Those who wish to file … more
The Municipal Electric Systems of Oklahoma, Inc. (MESO) recognized the City of Purcell with two awards in the association’s annual Electric Operations and Reliability Competition. The City of … more
The following persons have been charged by the State of Oklahoma with traffic or other violations or have filed other court actions in McClain County District Court between January 9-15, 2025. … more
A Norman man was killed and a Washington man injured in a two-vehicle accident six miles wes t of Perkins in Payne County January 14. Larry D. Birdine III, 19, of Norman was killed when the 2012 … more
During their January 13 regular meeting, McClain County Commissioners voted to purchase the old Coldwell Banker Heart of Oklahoma Real Estate building on behalf of the McClain County Health … more
Purcell Coaching Legend Mike Gowens was inducted into the Oklahoma Golf Coaches Association Hall of Fame last weekend at the Shawnee Elks Golf and Country Club. Also in the Class of 2025 were … more
The following persons have been charged by the State of Oklahoma with traffic or other violations or have filed other court actions in McClain County District Court between January 2-8, 2025. … more
Area residents are invited to attend a Town Hall meeting January 28 at the Multipurpose Center. The meeting will be presented by the Purcell Parks and Recreation Advisory Board seeking input on … more
Martin Luther King Jr., Day will be observed Monday, January 20, with several closings across the area. Among offices that will be closed are federal and state offices, as well as the McClain … more
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