Lexington’s 2025 homecoming coronation will be held Tuesday night at 6 p.m. when the Bulldogs play the Wynnewood Savages
Queen candidates include Addison Lippel, Hope Wise, Virginia …
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Lexington’s 2025 homecoming coronation will be held Tuesday night at 6 p.m. when the Bulldogs play the Wynnewood Savages
Queen candidates include Addison Lippel, Hope Wise, Virginia Feuerborn, Meagan Smith, Jentri Garver and Brooklyn Johnson.
King candidates include Colt Mixon, Tristan Buchanan, Ryan Johnson, Buddy Cormany, Kaleb Matthews, Wyatt McBride and Cash Vaughn.
The crown bearer is Wyatt Scott while Quinn Lippel will serve as the flower girl.
Representing basketball, Addison Lippel is the daughter of Grant and Jordin Lippel and Erica and Derek Kickapoo.
She is a member of the track and cross country teams and FCCLA. She plays AAU basketball, participates in cosmetology at the vo-tech and helps her parents with little league basketball.
Lippel’s honors include Princpal’s Honor Roll, 2024 All-Conference and making the all-tournament team at the Wynnewood tournament.
Her future plans include playing college basketball and pursuing a nursing degree.
“The best way out is always through.” Robert Frost
Representing wrestling is Hope Wise. She is the daughter of Alisha Wise, Andy Wise and Nicole Wise.
She is a member of the Cross Country and track teams. She is also active in show choir, FCCLA, StuCo and criminal justice at the vo-tech.
Wise’s honors include being a show choir dance captain, and a representative of FCCLA and a representative in StuCo.
Her future plans include joining the marines to become a military police officer.
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” Dr. Seuss
Representing vocal is Virginia Feuerborn. She is the daughter of Brandi Feuerborn and the granddaughter of Sheila and Mike Feuerborn.
She is a member of the vocal group, having received many state awards. She has participated in sweepstakes and ECOCDA for three years in a row.
Feuerborn’s honors include Superintendent’s and Principal’s honor rolls.
Her future plans include becoming a vet tech.
“Treat others the way you want to be treated.”
Representing track is Meagan Smith. She is the daughter of Heather and Aaron Smith.
Smith is the captain of the cross country team and a member of StuCo and FCCLA.
Her honors include NHS, gifted and talented, athlete of the month and a three-time cross country MVP.
Smith’s future plans include studying physical therapy at Missouri Western while also running cross country and track.
“When in doubt look intelligent.” Garrison Keillor
Representing FFA is Jentri Garver. She is the daughter of Kevin and Randi Garver.
She is a member of the academic team, the archery team and participates in the criminal justice program at the vo-tech.
Her honors include being the Reporter in FFA and being a member of the National Technical Honor Society.
Garver’s future plans include going to college for hatcheries and wildlife. While in college she plans to show cattle and become a game warden afterward.
“Let your scars remind you of the battles you’ve won not the ones you’ve lost.”
Representing the fishing team is Brooklyn Johnson. She is the daughter of Marcia Johnson and Paul Johnson.
She is a member of the track, cross country and archery teams. She is also in student council and spends time volunteering at the Purcell Animal Shetler.
Her honors include Superintendent’s Honor Roll, National Honor Society, Top Outstanding student in Equine Production, Oklahoma Honor Society, National Technical Honor Society, Archery MVP and gifted and talented.
Johnson’s future plans include starting college at Murray State College and then getting a doctorate in veterinary medicine.
“A day without laughter is a day wasted.” Charlie Chaplin
Representing basketball is Colt Mixon. He is the son of Felecia and Shane Mixon.
Mixon is a member of the track and cross country teams.
His honors include Principal’s Honor Roll and National Honor Society.
His future includes going to college.
“Everything I’m not, made me everything I am.”
Representing track is Kaleb Matthews. He is the son of Travis and Jennifer Matthews.
His activities include cross country and consumption of the Eucharist and Catholic study.
Matthews’ honors include Principal’s Honor Roll and National Honor Society.
His future plans include attenting the vo-tech after school, focusing on cyber security and living a life true to the Catholic faith.
“Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what is still possible for you to do.” Pope St. John Paul XXIII
Representing wrestling is Tristan Buchanan. He is the son of Stephanie and Chris Buchanan.
His activities include football and wrestling.
Buchanan is a three-time State wrestling qualifier and a Fargo qualifier in wrestling.
His future plans include going to college to get his bachelor’s degree in sports medicine.
“I don’t weigh no 300 pounds, I weigh 165!”
Representing golf is Cash Vaughn. He is the son of Paula and Harold Vaughn.
He is a member of the show choir and the cross country and archery teams. He participates in the Therapeutic Health program at MATC.
Vaughn’s honors include being president of HOSA, National Honor Society and being named the Most Outstanding performer for show choir at the Jenks show choir competition.
His future plans are to go to college to earn his PTA and he would like to play golf also.
“Humble yourself before the Lord and He will lift you up.” James 4:10
Representing baseball is Buddy Cormany. He is the son of Bryan and Jamie Cormany.
His activities include baseball, football, NHS, FCA and gifted and talented.
He has received various football awards.
After high school he plans to go to college, be successful, own a dream car and nice home and have a family and live life.
“The only guaranteed in life if you don’t try is failure.”
Representing E-Sports is Ryan Johnson. He is the son of April Johnson and Scott Johnson.
His activities include baseball, basketball, E-Sports and attending vo-tech.
Johnson has been honored as second in the state in HOSA for basic life and the National Technical Honor Society.
His future plans include playing baseball in college and becoming a physical therapy assistant.
“Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.” Forrest Gump
Representing FFA is Wyatt McBride. He is the son of Randi Middleton and Travis McBride.
He has been active in football and powerlifting.
His honors include lineman of the week and many show awards in Ag.
McBride’s future plans include going to college to possibly play football or work in the oilfield.
“It’s never too late to be what you might have been.”
The flower girl is Quinn Lippel, daughter of Grant and Jordin Lippel. She is active in Lexington youth basketball, Lexington Little League cheer and enjoys attending Campfire Camps.
She hopes to be a lifeguard and doctor when she grows up.
Her favorite quote is, “Dude!”
The crown bearer is Wyatt Scott, the son of Joe and Amanda Scott. He is a kindergartner in Mrs. George’s class.
When he grows up he plans to get married and live with his mom and dad forever.
Wyatt’s favorite quote is, “You can do anything you set your mind to ... except lick your elbow!”
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