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5 questions with Ron Westbrook

The Purcell Register
Posted 1/16/25

Editor’s note: Answering   The Purcell Register ’s five questions this week is new Site Manager of the Purcell Senior Citizen’s Center Ron Westbrook.

Q. How did you end up …

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5 questions with Ron Westbrook


Editor’s note: Answering  The Purcell Register’s five questions this week is new Site Manager of the Purcell Senior Citizen’s Center Ron Westbrook.

Q. How did you end up as Site Manager of the Purcell Senior Citizens Center?

A. I rededicated my life to Jesus Christ on October 9, 2024. A friend at the church knew I surrendered to the ministry and asked if I wanted to help at the Senior Citizen’s Center in Wayne? I volunteered there for two weeks and helped with meal packaging. The Purcell Site Manager position was available and I applied for it.

Q. What do you enjoy about your work?

A: Everything! The people I work with are great and the work is very satisfying. But what I enjoy the most is the interaction with the people there.

Q. What challenges do you face?

A: There is not enough time in the day to complete our work. The Purcell Community Center is run by the City of Purcell and have paid employees working there.  The Community Action Foundation Delta Senior Nutrition Program is housed at the Center and has three paid employees. There is never enough time in the day to complete our tasks.  The cooks come in early to prepare the daily meals and they work late to clean and prepare for the next day’s meal. Obtaining volunteers to aid us in helping the senior citizens is the biggest challenge I face.

Q. What other jobs have you had in Purcell?

A. I was a police officer with the city for eighteen years.  I worked five years in the patrol division and thirteen years in the investigation division. I retired in 2018 as a lieutenant.  I loved working for the Purcell Police Department and the City of Purcell, and I recommend both for anyone looking for a good career. 

Q. What do you like to do in your spare time?

A.  I work on my genealogy and this week I begin college to obtain my master’s degree in ministry.


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